
How to Make a Visa Application Petition?

Aug. 21, 2023
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How to Make a Visa Application Petition?

The visa application petition is one of the documents required to complete the visa procedures. This document is submitted to the consulates of the country to which the application is made, and this document must be submitted regardless of which country the application is made to. After the application petitions are submitted to the consulates, the consulates make the necessary examinations and report that the visa application process has resulted in a positive or negative result.

How to Write a Visa Application Petition?

There are some points to consider when writing a visa application letter. If these points are not taken into consideration, people may encounter situations such as negative results of their applications.

• The application petition should be written on a clean paper.

• The paper to be used must be in A4 format

• The application petition can be written on a computer or by hand.

• The petition must have a wet signature.

• The language used in the petition must be official

• The language in which the application petition will be written may be the official language of the country to which the application will be made or English.

In Which Language Should The Visa Application Petition Be Written?

The visa application petition must be written in the official language used in the country where the visa application will be made. Petitions written in English other than the official language of the country are accepted. Before the petition is written, the appropriate procedures should be read on the page of the consulate of the country to which the application will be made. Members of the Schengen country accept their application petitions written in Turkish. If the petitions to be written are in English, the confusion that may arise can be eliminated more easily. For this reason, it is recommended that you write the application petitions of countries where you do not know the official language in English.

How to Write a Petition When Applying for a Business Visa?

People who want to go abroad with a commercial visa have to prepare an application petition. It is very important to state that the application petitions for a commercial visa are visited for commercial purposes. People should also include the information of the company they will visit in the country they will visit in the application petition. Detailed information such as the name of the company in the relationship and the address of the company must be included in the application petition.

How to Write a Petition When Applying for a Visiting Visa?

Persons who want to issue a visit visa should include detailed information about the type of visit while writing the application petition. First of all, they must include in the application petition who they will visit in the country they are visiting. It should be written in the application petition whether I know family or friends in the country they will visit. In addition, detailed information on where people will stay and how they will cover their expenses during the visit must be included in the application petition. If the visitors visit the country accompanied by the sponsor, they must also include the sponsor's information in the application petition.

How to Write an Application Petition to Get a Visa from Germany?

Germany can be visited for touristic or commercial purposes. Persons who want to visit the country must include the application petition in the visa application documents. The information that should be included in the application petition to the printer for those who want to obtain a visa from Germany can be listed as follows:

• Travel dates must be included in the application petition.

• Information about the plane tickets purchased and the reservations made must also be included in the petition.

• The date of entering and leaving the country should also be included in the application petition.

• How the expenses that may occur during the travel will be covered should also be detailed in the application petition.

• Students or housewives definitely need a sponsor to get us from Germany. These sponsors must also be included in the petition.

• If the visits are for commercial purposes, information about the meetings or congresses to be held during the visit should also be written in the petition.

How to Write an Application Petition to Get a Visa from Italy?

Persons who want to apply for a visa must write a petition at the time of application. The information requested by each country in the petition differs from each other. The information that must be included in the application petition for those who want to obtain a visa from Italy is listed as follows:

• Detailed information about the place to stay during the trip to Italy should be written in the application petition.

• Why people visited and what they plan to do during the visit are also written in the application petition.

• Basic information such as the passport number, name and surname of the person who will apply is among the information that should be written in the application petition.

• The application petition to be prepared when applying for a visa to Italy can be written in English, Turkish or Italian.

• In the application petition Persons must give a Guarantee that they will return to their country after their visa expires.

What Should Be Considered While Writing an English Application Petition?

English is the language you can use when writing an application petition in countries where the official language is English or in countries where you do not know the official language. In addition, since some countries only accept application petitions in English, it should be known what to consider when writing an application letter in English. Things to consider when writing an application letter in English can be listed as follows:

• First of all, an official language should be used when writing the petition.

• Persons who want to obtain a visa from the country for touristic purposes should explain in detail the plans they will make during the trip.

• The purpose of the trip to be made for touristic purposes and the dates of the trip are also written in the application petition.

• Persons who want to participate in the tour with the tour must submit the documents showing that they will participate in the tour as an annex to the application petition.

• How or by whom the expenses incurred during the trip will be covered should also be stated in the application petition.

• When starting the petition, the expression of the competent authority should be written.

• At the end of the application petition, addressing words should be used to bid farewell formally.

Categories : Travel